Urgently needed donations

  • Chocolate bars
  • Crisps
  • Drinks (cans, squash, water)
  • Cereal
  • Cereal bars
  • Biscuits
  • Tins of meat
  • Tins of vegetables
  • Tins of potatoes
  • Baked beans
  • Tins of tomatoes
  • Pasta and sauce
  • Rice
  • Noodles
  • Instant meals (e.g. pot noodle)
  • Deodorant
  • Disposable razors
  • Shaving foam
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Tins of fruit
  • Custard
  • Rice pudding
  •  Jam
  • Marmalade
  • Peanut butter
  • Chocolate spread
  • Marmite
  • Tomato ketchup
  • Brown Sauce
  • Washing up liquid
  • Washing powder
  • Soap
  • Torches

Standing Orders and Direct Payments

You can give regularly by setting up a standing order with your bank, or by using the same details to make a BACS payment for when it suits you. Please download and complete the form found on the back page of our Ways to Give Leaflet/You can fill in a Standing Order Form/Gift Aid Form here

STANDING ORDER MANDATE:  Please print and complete the attached form below and provide details to your bank:

the Friary standing order form

Please remember to complete our GIFT AID form too! This can be downloaded here.

Hardcopies are available at the Drop-in or ask our office to email you a copy admin@the-friary.org.uk  and forward it directly to your bank. There is no need to return this form to the Friary.

Please make your Standing Order payable to:

Friary Drop-In Limited Registered Charity 1056825

Sort Code: 30-18-98
Account No: 00251853
Bank: TSB Bank plc, 2 Davies Road, West Bridgford NG2 5JD
Registered Charity Number: 1056825

Give Online

See link to Friary’s Justgiving page here: www.justgiving.com/friarydrop-in

The easiest way to make an instant donation to our charity is to give online. You can also set up a monthly credit/debit card donation through www.justgiving.com/friarydrop-in by selecting the “Donate” then “Monthly” tabs. JustGiving won’t be charging a platform fee to our charity. You can opt not to pay the donor’s fee yourself too, by deselecting the %fee and selecting “other” just opt to pay 0% fee. Please get in touch with us if you need further explanation.

Text Giving

Text FRIARY to 70085 to donate £10

To see how your money might be spent:

£10 will go towards an item for a home-starter pack e.g.

Cereal bowl £2.50

Frying Pan £8

Plate £3

Cutlery set £8

Kitchen utensil set £10

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a Legacy in your Will – and getting your house in order could help us to help a homeless person in the future. With your financial donation and our experienced service provision, let’s team up and offer hope to the homeless here in Rushcliffe and Nottingham.

Download our leaflet here: WillGift2020-2



Supporters of the Friary contribute to the work of our charity in many varied ways. While the information below relates to financial giving, other pages on this site explain the variety of ways you can get involved.

Your financial giving will be used to transform the lives of the homeless and vulnerable people we meet from our neighbourhood and across Rushcliffe & Nottingham. We see our work as an “investment” in these vulnerable adults who have nowhere else to turn for help in their moment of crisis. We intend to work with them for as long as they need our help. The Friary is a free service to anyone in need who walks through the door at the Drop-in and often the life-line people have been looking for.

None of what we do would have been possible without the prayers, financial donations, time and enthusiasm of our staff, volunteers and supporters including people just like you. We all have something to offer. Thank you to those who already contribute so much of their time and funds and thank you for visiting this page if you’re exploring how to help and want to make a tangible difference.

We hope over time many more of you will support our work by monthly standing order, enabling us to plan for the future confidently. For any size of contribution, one-off or regular, we are hugely grateful.


Please print and complete the attached and return to our Admin Office, Friary Drop-in, 46 Musters Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7PR:

Boost your donation by 25p of gift aid for every £1 you donate. If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift. To allow us to claim gift aid on your behalf, please complete our Gift Aid Declaration form.

Gift Aid declaration

Cheque Donation

If you prefer to keep things simple, and wish to make a cheque donation –

Please make cheques payable to “The Friary” and kindly send to 46 Musters Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7PR. Thank you.